20 September 2009


我想念我到達的那一晚要結束時 你把車停在家門口
我們在車裡接吻到無法停止 然後你說let me get you to the bed, ok?

你彎下腰來親吻著我的額頭對我說yes, my princess

都會進到我的房間 給我一個吻跟我說你要出門了

雖然很想睡 但是還是在你出門後撐著眼皮打開收音機準備聽你的聲音


然後你跟我提醒說我們等一下沒辦法牽手 就算我們不是回教徒也一樣

你回到家後第一件事情就是來房間找我 我拉著你躺下來對著在我懷裡的你說情人節快樂



18 September 2009

wait for you

Some of the hardest things are easy to achieve with patience

I'll wait for you until the heavens fall
I'll wait for you until the end of the world
I'll wait for you until I no longer breathe
I know that it's not impossible
I'll wait for you until you finish your fight
I'll wait for you until the timing is right
I'll wait for you until you knock on my door
Cuz right now it's feeling just like a movie yeah yeah...
Just like a movie

I know that this is hard for you
Want you to know that I'm feeling it too
It's taken some time but now I see everything
It's so clear to me I can't give up your love without dying baby
I'll wait until the sea is dry baby
How do we know what love is
Until it is free

You don't gotta do anything that you can't do
You don't gotta do anything in a hurry
You don't gotta do anything that you can't do
I know you're there you got me
You don't gotta do anything that you can't do
You don't gotta do anything in a hurry
You don't gotta do anything so don't worry
I trust you and I know you're there
I know you're there

I know you belong to me eventually

11 September 2009


K: 我相信啊,相愛的人,你有多想他,他就有多想你。

C: 喔,問題就來了。我根本不知道他有沒有像我喜歡他那樣喜歡我。

K: 你是傻瓜,你很有魅力的。所以啊,你要相信一件事情,你有多喜歡這個人,這個人就有多喜歡你。

C: 這種時候就相信秘密那本書說的好了。

K: 我不知道,但是我相信一件事情。當你真心地想要一樣的東西,整個宇宙都會聯合起來幫你的忙。如果你是真心的,這世界都會幫你的忙。

K: 更何況,你這麼棒,你要相信你有足夠的魅力大到讓他很喜歡你。

K: 戀愛的時候我們都會很迷惘,不知道自己到底遇到的對不對,付出對不對。

K: 可是,我願意相信人心很善良單純的那一面。你真心付出,你用心經營,你就會得到同樣的回應。

K: 欸!你很樂觀的,不是嗎?

C: 是啊。可是有時候還是會懷疑啊。

K: 你相信自己很棒,你就很棒。你相信你有多愛這個人,這個人就有多愛你。你相信愛,愛會讓你變得強壯。